And we finally got the keys!

What a day! Lottie woke at 6 and refused to go back to sleep so sat making loom bands for two hours while I did!

I knew we wouldn't hear from the solicitors too early but as they had the money from us yesterday I did think perhaps it would have been late morning. We packed up some more bits, we waited and waited for the phone to ring. Just after two I rang them and they said the money had been sent but not received by Miller yet! By 4pm I was pacing the floor. We finally got a call (from Millers not the solicitors) to say that the keys had been released.

The next few hours were much more pleasant - the site manager and the sales lady had waited to make sure they handed over properly, we got a bottle of fizz and a walk round the house again. It looks lovely, shame we have to fill it with all our junk.

It's after midnight and we have only just stopped packing up ready for the actual move tomorrow. And now our next door neighbour has come in from town with his mates for an all night party!! Roll on tomorrow evening when we are in and can get a good night's sleep!

Will be without Wi-Fi for a few days now - not sure how I will cope with that! Will catch up with you all soon, in the meantime have a lovely weekend x

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