
By SueT123

One tree hill from the top of Mt Eden

If you look in the centre of the picture you can see a hill with a monument on top. This is One tree hill. It is a sacred Maori site and used to have a very old Pine tree near the top, hence the name One Tree Hill. However an activist Maori with a grievance attacked it with a chainsaw and eventually in 2000 it died by then it was 125 years old. There are plans afoot to replace it soon.
As our son in law is back from the USA and they don't really have a proper spare room now they have a baby, we are now staying at my brother and sister in law's house. They are back from the UK tomorrow and will both be back at work on Monday. They have been busy sorting Mum's house and there are 17 couples going to look round it today!
We have been back and forth to our daughter's house every day but as it is the weekend we have a day on our own. It seems very odd after 3 weeks of helping look after our grandson!
This morning we walked up Mount Eden from where I took this shot and this afternoon we are tidying round and getting ready for my brother and sister in law to return.

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