
By schlimm


On the way to school even the oh-so-cool teenagers stopped to have a look at this beast. Three brightly-clad roofpeople lifted themselves up to rooflevel with this skylift. Unfortunately my camera insisted on using the flash and I wasn't quick enough to get both the cage and the rest of the machine on one blip. So I opted for the cropped version.

A insisted to stay and watch until they came down again but I was able to dissuade her fairly quickly - if I hadn't I would have stood there for a long time since the Bronto passed me later in the afternoon while having coffee (the best this side of Milan - or so they claim)

After a successful drop-off at school, L was the first in line because I got out of the house far too early... I had another hour at the office before getting A and S to their new nursery for the first settling-in session. Luckily they did very well and I was allowed to sit on my own for a while and leafed through a catalogue for nursery furniture/games etc. Amazing what you could get if you had the money! Although I'm still convinced that a couple of stones a bucket of water and anything else lying about the house or outside encourage play just as much as any of the specially designed waterfeatures, special tactile thingies and anything else that people might want to buy. Not that there are no toys in our house of course but I try to keep them to a minimum and am just as happy when they take the spoons etc out of the kitchen as long as they are returned when I need them

Then a long commute between new nursery and old nursery back to the office to clear up and then a well-deserved sit-down to have coffee with friends. A bit of flattidying with L and this evening finally a catch-up with blip. It's been too long, I'd decided to blip every day and failed downloading the blips on the day so hopefully February will not have that many catch-ups.

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