Messy Hair

Another gorgeous day spent mostly in garden playing with kids. I had a settling in session for a new child who starts with me on August (10mth little girl) think she loved time spent here as plenty of things going on in garden and all the other kids sort while time following her round getting her different toys ... Very sweet :-) and made me very broody!!!

She got collected just after lunch so decided to take the rest of kids out for an Ice-cream. Our local chip shop has a fab selection of ice-cream and at a £1 for a teddy bear cone not too expensive! It was super hot walking the 10mins to the shop and kids were glad to get a seat when we got there. The hats they were all wearing had made their hair very sweaty so they had great fun spiking their hair and getting me to take pictures of it whilst they ate their cones.

This is Alfie's spikes/messy hair do :-)

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