Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The Post Office

I don't know what it is about fast approaching my blipdays that make me get slack with the blip inspiration. On the plus side, I know exactly what I'm doing for the 365 in 11 blips time. This is a lilliput lane wall plaque of the post office in the village I grew up in, it was designed by a friend of the family, the plaque that is, not the post office!

Hopefully tomorrow's blip won't just be a boring "look what random object I have in my flat" blip. I realised it's been way too long since I last went out for a fire spin so I've pursuaded some mates we should catch up over some firey fun at Holyrood park then drinks at the pub. I'll be taking my tripod and hoping I can work out how to take long exposure night time shots on my camera, if I can't, or if it rains, I'll be resorting to a "look what random object they have in The Regent" shot.

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