my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


An overly warm but fun day today.
Started off with a visit from Ali through from Perth for a wee visit. The newly purchased picnic blanket is getting well worn already. Met her from Haymarket and parked ourselves at the bit of grass by the side of the Cathedral on Palmerston place.

Home for a quick change of baby transportation (swapped pram for sling) and baby clothing (swapped jersey lined jeans what was I thinking? for some shorts). Up to Shandonner and Bignonsense's for another lovely lunch do that they do so well. As always a pleasure to see Jellycat72 with Iain and Meles too.

After much discussion today of how serious my baby is He is very serious I was greeted with many smiles and laughter once fed at home. I even got him laughing to camera. Preferred this shot of N and Dex though.

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