From little acorns...

By wolenski

Preparation is key

I came out of the house and spotted a gorgeous spider slap bang in the middle of her web. She was large, yellow and had a big, rounded abdomen (thorax?). Her legs looked ready to spring into action. As I looked closer I could see the spikes and hairs on her leg joints and could make out some of her eyes.

I rushed back into the house and grabbed the iPad, but it was rubbish for the shot I wanted - just focussing on the background and leaving a lemony blob in the foreground. So I found my point and shoot DMC TZ30 - but the battery was completely dead. Finally I managed to find the other half's more meaty camera - checked battery life and skipped back outside to take the picture of the year. No SD card.

Back in the house I was swapping cards, switching cameras and setting settings and finally I was ready.

The result is the butterfly because the spider had fucked off!

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