Cat's cradle?..

..sorted out the development co's accounts this morning. A few bills and wages to pay, and records to get up to date. Done.

Sorted the calendars out, and delivered to a few local establishments, hotels, guest houses, b&b's.

Prepared for the ceilidh in the hall tonight. Ceilidh trailers, a group of youngsters from the East side, funded by HIE and various others, they come round once a year, and it's a good night. Sadly the turnout was a little low, but there was plenty of dancing. St Bernard's Waltz's, Dashing Sergent Major, a couple of strip the willows, Canadian Barn dances, and others. Good fun. Less than 40 people (there must have been 75+ last year) but we had a good time. A couple from France we're really out to enjoy, and knew all the steps, and more.. We tried to keep up!!

A pic of Duke on Croftcraft's jigsaw box (I keep meaning to give it back but forget. It nearly ended up in the charity shop!!).


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