Our friend Mr Plod

After the drama that we came home to yesterday, and the feeling of violation and intrusion, today hasn't been so bad.  Just taking stock of the events and very happy to report that very little has been taken (as far as we know at this point).  Just left with a mess which we can't clean up until fingerprints have been done.

The Police (blip) came out today, took photo's and statements, the fingerprint man is coming out tomorrow.  On the big scale, this break and enter is way down on the scale, but the fingerprints may match some scoundrel, who knows.

Your lovely words of sympathy and understanding surely has helped us both, thanks for taking the time to read and extending your caring thoughts.  They certainly have helped.

This really hasn't got anything to do with anything, but made me snigger.  
Thanks Mario who shared this on Facebook.

Friends are like panties.....
Some crawl up your butt
Some snap under pressure
Some don’t have the strength to hold you up
Some get a little twisted
Some are your favourite
Some are holy
Some are cheap
Some are naughty
And some actually cover your butt when you need them to.

Ha,  how about that :)


PS, Thank you all for putting my West Coast well up in to Spotlight.....at one point this afternoon there were seven kiwi blippers featured.....yay, go Kiwi's

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