
By thereisalight

Yosemite to San Fran

Again, an impossible task. We left Yosemite after our Camp Curry breakfast and drove out of the valley towards San Francisco (4 hour trip). We stopped at a garage to refuel and Tom appeared with a 52oz cup of Mountain Dew for 50cents. Supersize us!

In San Francisco we parked at the Presidio, an old military base and walked in along the harbour. We glimpsed Alcatraz (before it disappeared in fog moments later), ate clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl, wandered along fisherman's wharf (more like Disneyland than an authentic fisherman's wharf these days) and visited pier 39.

Back at the Presidio there were signs for an 'off the grid' event. This turned out to be a gourmet food van gathering, with hundreds of families enjoying the evening, complete with tents and fire pits. We didn't miss out on the mouth-watering offerings. The picture is a view of golden gate bridge at the Presidio.

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