
By deb66

Commonwealth Games Day 5

First day of competition and as I was walking down to the stadium 2 and 1/2 hours before anything started the queues were massive they were out of sight from both directions, fortunately as clydesiders we get to go straight through!!!

Went to our printing room and some people were there already so it was full steam ahead as soon as, throughout our shift that was 6 hours five of us photocopied about 90,000.00 sheets of paper for then to be distributed to the 15 venues round the stadium. The plan originally was to move people round so we all got a turn at the three different roles from start to finish but for the first day of competition we all stayed doing the same, hopefully tomorrow I won't be photocopying, but I have to say that the 5 of us were a well oiled machine and worked really well together at least j know 5 of there names just need to learn the other 25!

This photo shows an empty work top, earlier it had 90 thousand sheets of paper on it, I should have taken a before and an after but I was so busy I forgot!

Glad day 1 is over and glad for the rest, Early shift tomorrow so early to bed I think!

1 day down 6 more to go!!

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