Highs and a little low

Well, I was up at 8.40am. I went through to wake mummy. Once she was awake I took all my cuddly toys through to her bed. Mummy went for a shower while I kept daddy company and watched curios George on the iPad.

Once we were dressed and fed we headed out to see grandma and grandad. I was very pleased to see them. They were having breakfast, I managed to get some of grandmas toast. Mmm

Grandad was fixing some bits on mummy's old flat. Mummy had to go pick daddy up as he was working again last night.

Once everything was done we headed to the hospice that mummy volunteers as she was working today. I had great fun playing in the gardens. After she had finished Mummy gave me some sweeties but I choked on it and I was very sick. So I was stripped and changed. My car seat cover came off and replaced by a blanket. Mummy had to go get buckets of water to clean the pavement could have been worse, it could have been all over her car.....

Tonight mummy called grandma and I spoke to her too. I gave them lovely kisses, I said I love you grandma and I love you grandad. They were very happy, I smiled when they said it back. I heard grandad shouting in the background.

Tonight I had a bath but wasn't very happy about it. Tomorrow I might try a shower. Once I had my jammies on and had my milk I went to bed. Mummy isn't sure who fell asleep first, daddy or me!

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