Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

2.30am, drunk, in treehouse

So we both thought it would be a GREAT idea to cancel the taxi we had booked for midnight to go home from Zoe's 40th and carry on drinking back at their house. They have a friend who creates these amazing willow structures, and he built a sort of huge willow ball on their tree. The rope ladder to get up was fun after several bottles of wine. This photo was taken through the willow. I was very very drunk! A proper night out for me and sir T!!

Was a bit ouchy when Tobes came in at 7.30am like a herd of stampeding buffalo to wake us up ( think we got home about 2.30 am?). More allotment tidying this morning- made a herb bed. Relentless weeds and heat not good hangover cure. Went down to the yard for a great ride round the res this arvo- stubble fields everywhere for gallops. Best hangover cure ever!

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