Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Memorial at Fettercairn

I went for another drive - the weather was full of massive thunderheads soaring up into the skies, and I captured some nice pics. I went out to Banchory, then wound my way up through the pine forest, redolent with the wonderful smells of new rain and ancient pine, all the way up to the highest point at Fettercairn.

Stunning views, and hugely dramatic skies were my reward. There were towering CBs all the way around and combined with the rain and the sun, there was no end of opportunities for photographs.

But my attention was drawn to two rather forlorn memorial sheets thrust into the rocks. A man and a woman - not related - but both remembered, having died in tragic accidents. Sad words, and faded flowers. It was quite moving to see their happy faces smiling out from the photographs on the page, and to know that their hopes and dreams had gone.

The strangest experience was yet to come. As I stood with my camera among the rocks, two cars pulled up and out spilled two couples - separate from each other, strangers to each other. They walked up to the cairn, pausing to take photographs of the rainbows which were developing.

As they approached the cairn, I expected to receive some sort of greeting. After all, I am not a small chap, and I was right there in their view. But nothing. No acknowledgement of my existence whatsoever. They walked right past me, and looked at the pictures of the dead. They made comment, chatting to each other and spun away to look at the view, passing right past me on their way back to their cars - and still not a word!

It was as though I did not even exist - in fact, they had made more recognition of the dead than of me!

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