It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Clouds On Fire.....


As I left off work this morning the sky was light with patchy clouds....Perfect I thought for a Sunrise shot. So I wasted no time in getting camera gear and heading to my favourite spot.

But alas I arrived way too early and stood about in the blue hour getting rather cold, so I took the camera still on the tripod back to the car to wait in comfort but the clouds had banked up and there wasn't much room for the pink light to break through.
When I looked up again I could see this pink light all around the edges of the cloud! It looked amazing! So I raced back to my spot and rattled a few shots off and then as fast as it appeared it was gone and the sun didn't make another appearance!

You are probably looking at this thinking its over saturated but it looked just like this!

So even though it was over in a second it was something I've never seen before. Another first for the Dragon!

Draco The Cloud Fire Dragon xx

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