Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Au revoir

To mark the first leg of our collective journeys, Nikki, the wee man and I drove up to Long Beach to visit my friend Steve and his family. Steve and I used to work together on the old Tony Hawk games, before we headed our separate ways to work on our own things. While I followed the large development process in Canada, China and the UK, Steve joined forces with another couple of friends and founded "Super Villain Studios".

After going ten years without seeing each other, this was the second time seeing Steve in a week after catching up for the recent release of Transworld Endless Skater. If you haven't already tried out, I highly recommend you give it a go.

The wee man loved hanging out with Steve and Stacey's daughter Grace. Despite being slightly out if sorts, they got on well. In fact it made us determined to enrol him in more child activities back in Carlsbad when we return. If there's one thing we've been guilty of it's that perhaps he hasn't had as much social interaction with other children as he could have.

After Long Beach we drove passed LAX and onto the Getty Center, for an afternoon of art, architecture and fun in the sun.

We finally retired to a hotel near airport, where, thanks to a mix up, the wee man slept in a full size bed for the first time.

He also had his first taste of chocolate and ice cream at the Getty Center.

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