A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The Blair Blip project


"Gadget boy and Technophobe man go to the pub"

It's not true that we look forward to Friday. Really it's not. It's also not true that at 3.30 after the cherubs have all gone, that there is a polite question "Are we going for a meeting?" Nor is it true that the answer is always "Yes".

The meeting isn't in the pub at the hotel near the school. No.

It doesn't get silly at all.

Oh f*** it. All of the above is rubbish. Its Friday. It's been a long week (isn't every week?!) and yes, we go to the pub.

You will of course recognise Chris as the first victim from work for the bliptogether project the week before last. Today, we asked him (told?) to go and stand by the telly whilst I took a picture of him next to Mr Blair (it possibly hasn't captured the likeness between them, but there is one). Chris POSED! Sadly my camera didn't quite capture the hand gestures mimicking Mr Blair's, and the picture was pants due to poor light. But hey. Whatcha gonna do?

Subsequent conversations went something like this.

Gadgetboy (Chris) : "Oh, don't blip me"

Blipgirl (me) : rolls on floor laughing, thinking, in a Darth Vadar voice in my head "I have you now".

Gadgetboy: No, don't blip me"

Technophobe man (the boss) : "What's a blip? Is that the same as twitter"

Me: "No it's a blog type thing"

Technophobe man: "What's a blog?"

Gadgetboy tries to explain to technophobe man with my assistance. Technophobe man looks confused and bemused. He gets his phone out (it's got a touch screen you know) and Gadgetboy loads up my blip).

Technophobe man : "Oh, I've just zoomed in on it. How did I do that?" So what's twitter then?"

Gadgetboy again attempts to explain. He subsequently gives up at Technophobe man loses interest and starts staring blankly into space and drooling (almost imperceptibly, but it was there!)

Gadetboy "Oh go on then, you can blip me"

Something is said about Facebook. Now technophobe man is truly confuddled.

Technophobe man: "So if you use twitter, are you are twit? Are you twitting?"

Blipgirl : "No you are tweeting if you use twitter"

Subsequently, a variety of words beginning with "tw" are then suggested by Technophobe man as to what someone who uses twitter might actually be called.

Blipgirl has lost interest. Blipgirl is now watching the Blair trial, with no sound, and creating an overdub to entertain herself. It did briefly.

Someone said it was snowing.

"Oh" says blipgirl, like someone has snuck up behind her and given her a lovely surprise.

Then the moment floated away like a little bubble on the wind.

See blipgirl stare into space. Can you hear what blipgirl is thinking?

"It's time for the blanket and slippers."

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