Today . . . time for a haircut – the words of L not myself ! Well more of an order really – you WILL get your haircut !

Just because we are going away – at my age I like to hang on to as much as I can.
One source of amusement is the number of adverts and names for those professional hair folk. I could do a Research PhD in names. In the end I chose The Barber's !

We are away until the end of the week so it will be a case of catching up on Blips and comments on return. My passport and visa are in place and up to date as we head to the South of England – a strange place indeed.
Amongst other things we are hoping to take in The Bluebell Railway and Glorious Goodwood Races.

Thank you so much for all your support which is very much appreciated. Do not forget that Friday is Yorkshire Day – so we can all celebrate together.

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