Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A flurry of gardening

Riveting viewing with this morning's badminton and squash - even the bowls and the track events. Too much all at the same time! But the sunny day made me feel guilty, and I managed to go and cut the lawns while JR and Archie went off for a walk.

JR was not happy with him, though, as he was quite near the road and refused to come back because he'd found something tasty. To be honest, he's started doing that (too early for his teenage phase?) and there's always some rubbish around that you don't want him to eat, but can't stop him if he's off the lead. I think the best thing to remedy this behaviour is to have really high value treats to make him come when called (cheese!). We just use his ordinary kibble, and although he goes crazy for it here, he seems to think a bit of old balloon is better than that when outside.

In order to justify an afternoon on front of TV I decided to cut the hedge. JR, after months of research and swithering, went and bought the chosen planters for the front step. The labels on the plants were chucked out, so we've forgotten what they are...

At one point, we were all out gardening. Archie was a bloomin' nuisance. Archie was a good help. But here he is, posing (momentarily) for a high value treat at our newly enhanced front door.

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