Not another cat blip.....
......beautiful sunny day, but one of my most frustrating for quite some time. That wily cat Blair was permitted to spew out his nonsense in a carefully orchestrated spin (how appropriate) of the 'facts'.....and those annoying, silly hand gestures...grrrr.
His sycophantic and evasive performance stuck in my craw and I caught myself muttering loudly at the PC monitor. I was watching a man who had taken this country to war illegally, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and lied.....lied repeatedly about the evidence presented to him. I should have been watching a war crime tribunal and Blair should be in jail for the rest of his life.
Hundreds of brave service people in the UK are dead because this man and his thuggish mate Bush, decided we had a right to ignore international law and invade Iraq.....I'll always back our armed forces whatever, but they should never have been put in that position by our very own monster. It's a sad day, today.
I'm very angry. Justice has not been served.
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