The Medieval Centre

The boys and I have had a great day! I do still have one week off work left and we have planned to make the most of it!

Today we drove down south to Falster and The Medieval Centre. It was fabulous. Reconstructed medieval towns, demonstrations of war machines, actors playing the role of medieval people and the most exciting thing - the knights tournament!

Look at this knight! He is cutting an onion in half with his sword from a galloping horse!

It was a very dog friendly place to visit - the dogs were welcome everywhere and there was easy access to water etc. It has been another extremely hot day, but the boys were wearing their cooling coats and they got to go in the water too during the day, so they were ok.

On the way home (a 1½ hour drive), we stopped on the island Bogø, found a beach and let the boys swim and play in the water. It was lovely. They swam just beneath the famous Farøe Bridge!

Video of Beat having fun in the water.

Much more pictures from our fabulous day on Flickr!

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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