Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Not really the MonoMonday challenge

Having decided against blipping last week as I have no pets and was away too I thought I would get back to the MM. Challenge today. However driving to work and back was a somewhat limited opportunity to find an amusing sign so I nipped down the ground and took the sign on this post. Sign-post! I did so because the story is interesting.

Our cricket field is surrounded by around 300 white posts and you can see some in this pic. In 2010 when we had our 150th anniversary, one of the fund raising ideas by one of the committee, Pete, was to 'sponsor a post'. This one is next to the gate and was sponsored by me. You could put anything reasonable on the plaque and loads were sponsored. Not one has been vandalised and it is a great memory and roll call of so many people past and present at the club.

Although the plaque says I have been chairman since 1998 after 13 and a 1/2 years I retired in 2011. I became President in 2013 which is largely honorary and I was so pleased to be asked to take on this role. During all those years I worked alongside Pete who was to take over as chairman after me. He has been an indefatigable presence in the club and has continued to take the club forward and support the redevelopment of our pavilion. Sadly and totally out of the blue he was admitted to hospital four weeks ago and though, belatedly diagnosed with cancer, he died last week. It has been a shock for everyone and on Saturday I led a minutes silence before the game attended by over two hundred people including his family. His funeral is this Thursday. He will be sorely missed.

So in the end this blip says RIP Pete, we all miss you very much!

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