Growing on the wrong side of the river...
This is, I think, Rose Campion. It grows on the river bank and is best photographed backlit towards the end of the day so that you can see the tiny hairs on the stems. I blipped it around this time last year but it was far easier to photograph as it was on this side of the river and it was therefore easy to set against the defocused background of the other bank of the river in shadow but with the sun highlighting the stems. Today there were no convenient plants on this side of the river so I had to go on the other side and found myself either shooting directly into the sun in which case you totally lose the hairs on the stems in the bright sky or shooting downwards and losing the effect of the backlighting. So today’s image is very much a compromise not as brightly lit as I would wish and against a lighter more cluttered background. Perhaps I will crack it next year !
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