Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The chips are down

Girl Racer's last day in England for a very long while. Had a fab lazy morning with brunch in a hot sunny garden (the early morning thunderstorms having rolled away) then spent the afternoon in Guildford drinking coffee and shopping. Top Gun acquired a very cool suit for a wedding he is going to on Saturday.

Took Dylan and Scout to the vet tonight as they both have tummy bugs, Dylan worse off of the two; he is now sleeping off injections and anal thermometers the poor thing.

The blip is from our visit to the local chippie where The Girl Racer worked for a while whilst still at school; Mr B the chip shop owner has never forgotten her so we thought it was a fit way to "do" the last evening. Went the full monty - pickled onions, mushy peas, bread and butter.

Tomorrow, of course, is another day ...

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