Old Man..

..of Stoer, taken from the Scouriemore peninsula. It's almost 10 miles across Eddrachilles Bay. I bought a new lens with some birthday money, and it arrived today. A Nikon 70-300mm zoom lens. With my DX camera's 24 mm sensor, that's effectively a 105-450mm.

Been harvesting and preserving peas today. I harvested one row, and got 13 kg, three tomato boxes full to the top. G and I topped and tailed them, and they're now in the freezer. I've got another 3 rows to harvest yet, should provide another 40 kgs!!

Did a harvest for the Hotel, and delivered.

It's been quite grey today, with the occasional bright spell. This pic taken during a grey bit, and photoshopped to improve it a bit.. The camera never lies!!

Music, one of my favourite Help Yourself songs..

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