My Time Abroad

By jrgoode


Little bit of a gap so I'm recapping the last three days today.

Monday I cooked my first meal for the flatmates. I made chicken quesadillas with cheese, peppers, onions and black beans. Not gunna like they came out pretty damn good. I also made homemade guac and provided sour cream and salsa. They were a hit and it is safe to say I set the standards pretty high :) And you all thought I couldn't cook.

Tuesday, usually Aman's day to cook was changed to Blythe's day for this week because the four of us made plans to go to a restaurant that we got a coupon for on GrabOne (the NZ version of GroupOn) on Wednesday (Blythe's day) but Blythe's meat for this sauce she was gunna make would have went bad if she waited to cook it till Friday. So Blythe cooked a meat sauce. Good, but had nothin on my quesadillas.

Wednesday we changed our plans of going to this restaurant because after we planned on going into the city to go out to the Wednesday hot spots until that morning we were informed the buses stop running after 12 on weekdays (something you think they would have realized). So Cohan, whose day is Thursday cooked Wednesday and made some dank homemade burgers even with that ketchup-mayo mix sauce thats so good.

So we decided Thursday we'll do the restaurant which was in Takapuna, and go out to the bars there and wait until Saturday to go into the city...

Oh and on one of these days I was walking and it was all sunny and I felt some water, thinking it was this truck I was next to I turned around and saw that awesome rainbow. Turned out to be a sun shower not the truck but it soon developed into quite the storm.

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