My life

By pops

Day 5

Back blip of day 5 - went for a walk around the area this afternoon, the area housing the complex is part of a large gated community with some very nice property along with a number of other hotels and an up and coming shopping centre (I guess it's up and coming as along with the rather nice jewellers and range of gift shops there is a Starbucks Coffee Shop).
Crossing the centre of the community is 'The Golf Club At Playacar' a beautifully landscaped course with wide pathways that looked the ideal place to take a leisurely wander and admire the miniature replicas of some of the Mayan ruins used to mark the holes -the sign however made it quite clear that we weren't welcome and would be 'consigned to the authorities'
The Bull is in the centre of the roundabout outside the hotel I don't know the relevance other than the area being known for bullfighting in the past, and the final picture is the road heading back into the hotel complex.

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