
By EarlGrey

Sad day

Having a rough day. My poor Mum was told she has breast cancer today....

She got letter for a recall after a routine mammogram last week. She had no concerns so thought maybe it was routine. After another mammogram, ultrasound, and 4 biopsies later this afternoon they broke the news to my mum and sister that it was cancer but further investigations on the core biopsy at the pathologists will determine what surgery she will need. We are thankful results showed it hasn't spread to her lynphnodes. Can't bear to think what would have happened if she hadn't went for her routine 3yearly breast screening???

Actually took this on holiday to the coast the other week. It's Ballintoy harbour where the episode of Theon in "Game of Thrones" was filmed. Lovely little harbour on our giants causeway coast...

Thought it looked peaceful......

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