my little eye

By clarebeme

Right and wrong

A day of simple Summer pleasures avec my Mum and Dad, with whom I haven't spent enough time lately.

We went to the seaside (Leigh on Sea) with dog, picnic, girls and swimming cozies packed.

Alice taught Elsa and I to crochet en route. Hurrah. We tried to make flowers, not entirely successfully. Wrong wool I think.

Sandwiches with extra sand for lunch, a swim in the murky (but clean I think) North Sea and sandcastle-building. Didn't really work; turrets collapsed, moat washed away. Wrong sand of course. So they buried me in it instead.

Carried home a carful of sandy stuff and rounded off the day by taking our new kite on its inaugural flight. Multiple launches using assorted flying techniques (plenty of enthusiasm from my Dad for the project) however this is about as high as a our kite got before nose-diving back to earth each and every time. Wrong wind you see.

So all in all a lovely, simple, memorable day where everything was just right; including all the little things that were slightly, perfectly wrong :)

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