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By toadguy

A Year in Blips

Appropriate macro shot to indicate the full 365 days.(as there are a lot of macro shots in my year)

I actually blipfoto 3 years ago because I'm friends with the brother of one of the founders. But I didn't actually do anything with it til a year ago, after dinner with John and Nicola I decided to start.

I brought a few others to the site, a couple of whom are still blipping - Jay and Myk.

I'd like to say the journal is an accurate representation of my year, but to be honest a lot of it is shots of whatever random crap came to hand - usually when I think "oh god, I've got to get a photo for blip!"

It has been good though, I've always taken loads of photos but blipfoto has re-awakened my interest. It's because of this site I bought a DSLR. My blipfoto album in iphoto has 1400 pics in, that I probably wouldn't have taken otherwise.

A rather inaccurate statistical analysis of the content follows.

People - 15 (4%)

Weather - 22 (6%)
Snow 9
Rain 4
Sun 6

Food and Drink - 68 (19%)
sandwiches 4
marmite 4
alcohol 21 (beer 16)
coffee 11
curries 8 (thai 2, indian 6)

Technology - 35 (10%)
computers 11
ipods 3
video games 10
batteries 2
phones 2

Cameras - 20 (5%)
video 13
still 7

DIY/Building 29 (8%)
Fireplace 12

Animals - 15 (4%)
squirrels 3
birds 4
spiders 5
insects 2
cats 2

Trees - 6 (2%)

Me - body parts - 9 (3%)
hair 2
feet 2
eyes 3

Footwear - 4 (1%)

Guitars - 4 (1%)

Flames - 3 (1%)

Garden - 16 (5%)

Trafalgar Square - 4 (1%)

Bands/Singers - 5 (1%)

Which probably tells you I'm a food obsessed technology freak who drinks too much beer and has spent too long on one DIY project(almost an accurate portrayal)

Some of my favourites
Meg, the cat
My niece
The Sun
Mr Gammon
Song and Dance
The Plan

To see the whole year in 3 minutes Click Here

Thanks to everyone at blipfoto for comments and looking at my rubbish.

Here's to the next year !

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