Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Not young and enthusiastic ..

.. but we love her.
This is Vikki, our new Trainee Librarian. Our last trainee, Rochelle,was pretty, well dressed, only 24, full of life and enthusiasm for her job as you only are at the onset of your career. She whizzed through her time with us like a mini tornado and when her time with us was over she moved on to bigger and better things, as she had always been destine to. We loved her and she left a huge gap so we were keen to discover all we could about her replacement. I fear that while Rochelle had been employed to inject youthful enthusiasm she may have been a little too much for the management so it wasn't surprising when we were told that Vikki would be nothing like Rochelle - she was mature and sensible! When Vikki turned up someone joked that there must have been a mistake at HR, we were expecting someone in a twin set and pearls - this was repeated to the Head Librarian who then tried to explain herself, "Oh no, all I meant was that she wasn't young, pretty, fashionable or quite so full of youthful enthusiasm!" Vikki just stood back and watched as the hole got bigger, thankfully she is lots of fun but she is going to milk the story for sometime.

And those are my alien goggly eyes she's wearing - I made it to wear while reading alien stories this morning only for it to disappear and then reappear on Vikki's head. I managed to reclaim it for Storytime but she was rather taken with it and wore it for the rest of the day - so mature and sensible!

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