
By Indigo76

To all the happy endings

I've been meaning to put this up for a couple of months now, but you know what's it's like, always something else to do!
Life isn't like one of the fairy tales we were so often read as children, it's much more complicated than that. We make choices which change the course of our lives, and the lives of others. Others in turn make choices which affect us.
Sometimes (let's call it) fate, intervenes and sends you spinning down a path not of your choosing and when it does you discover more about yourself and those around you as you navigate through.
In time you might look back and reflect, how did I get through that, did that actually happen?
A chapter to close and onward our journey goes.
The strength of the human spirit cannot be underestimated, whatever unknown life has in store for us, we know now (but maybe not at the time) that we can find a way.
We appreciate happiness because we experience sadness and we know after the night the day will always come.
To be happy & healthy, to love and know love.
So do I believe in Happily Ever After? Of course!
Too right I do :-)

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