
By weewilkie

Guarda el mar

Another beach day today. It's only 10 minutes away from town and is very busy this time of year. The Med there can be very dangerous.
It is great for jumping over waves fun, but there is an undertow that can be deadly. There are always deaths on this beach every year. There are flags out to warn bathers about the strength of the sea's undercurrent. Last year I had to jump in and pull this old guy who was struggling out. It was like that old public information film where people thought he was waving, but was in fact drowning.
My brother-in-law got carried out to sea on the rip-tide when he was a wee boy and did the thing you are supposed to do, which is to relax and not exhaust yourself against the muscle of the sea. He lay on his back and was taken out, passing a tanker, and was then taken back in by the tide a few kilometres down the beach.
It's unsurprising then that there is such a large Red Cross presence there. They only stay till 7 o'clock at night though. Last year my daughter had a fainting fit on the beach and the guards were very helpful and brought her round and checked her out. They are all trained in basic first aid and of course are expert swimmers.
The sea so far has been tolerant of us humans along its shoreline. Despite its perils it is a fantastic, and extremely popular beach.


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