Crazy Daisy!

When I first saw this Crazy Daisy, I knew it was just the right plant to mark where my second cat Daisy lies in the garden because she really was a crazy cat! These daisies always make me smile as they remind me of Daisy's crazy antics...

And talking of crazy, after a late arrival home last night, it's been a crazy day trying to get myself back onto the Internet. Connecting the new modem was fairly straight forward, but trying to reinstall the wifi printer was a different matter and took the best part of the day, probably due to my poor sleep-deprived brain!

So with little time, and little energy, I went in search of a standby bee blip in the garden, but they were too quick for me today! Instead, my eye was caught by this little Crazy Daisy which stood out in the afternoon sunlight...

I've managed to backblip...

Sunday 20th July

Monday 21st July

...but I'm afraid my Italian adventures will have to wait until another day.

I'm enjoying catching up with your journals and my comments but I think it's going to take me a while to catch up on ten day's worth with everybody!

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