The Purple Poison...
I tell you, I might actually start voting, the amount nonsense I've heard from some politicians in this last year.
This week a Labour MEP who shall be named here, Catherine Stihler, has been reported as putting proposals forward to try and ban caffeinated alchol drinks. She might as well have been saying that she's trying to ban Tonic Wines created by Benedictine Monks from Devon.
Are some politicians getting stupider or is just that I'm getting older and being more exposed to their rubbish. I just really can't fathom why anyone would think that banning one specific or category of alchol would do anything to affect the problem of anti-social drinking and linked behavior. Yes there are people who drink Buckfast and cause trouble but if they didn't have access to it, they'd find something else just as potent.
This particularly piqued my interest this week because I quite like Buckfast on the odd occasion. For me it has a wee ritual and tradition around the consumption and some of my most best memories often have the tonic wine as a variable in the proceedings.
On the subject of the Buckie, did anyone hear The News Quiz last week. They had a section based around the other incriminating Buckie story of the week and so they cracked open a bottle in the studio. It was most funny and I've taken a copy of it to send to my favourite Buckie drinking buddy.
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