Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Blue Sky Thinking

Don't you hate those meaningless corporate sayings, which get trundled out in meetings, and when 'projects' are being discussed?

Rocky and I took a nice long walk round the village when I got home, and our Blue-sky Thinking was conducted under a blue sky shot through with streaks of pink, and festooned with delicate strands of cloud.

It was a lot cooler and fresher tonight, and it was almost a novelty to have to put a jumper on. As we were walking I noticed that although it is still July (for another day at least), the flora and vegetation seem to think it is much later. The brambles are ripe and ready to eat. I saw conkers which also appeared to be ready to fall, although probably the insides have not yet fully formed, and the rowans are bright orange already. Looks like we are going to have an early Autumn.

Hardly any sloe-berries though on the Blackthorn bushes, which is a shame as it means the Dyson Man's annual sloe-gin making will not be happening if he can't lay hands on enough supplies.

Again I found it difficult to choose what to upload for my Blip, but since I have used animals, insects (are butterflies insects I wonder?) and plants, I thought I'd choose an inanimate object today. I love this name-sign for a nearby farm - whoever designed it was clearly 'Thinking Outside the Box'!

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