Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

The best veggie burger in town :-)

And the best burgers.....or so Im told :-)

Tonight it was E and I who got to hang out and go out for dinner, and he chose the American diner here in Oslo. It is a great restaurant......burgers, shakes, onion rings....yum :-) .....we didnt do the shakes this time - too full! E was tired though, he had another game this afternoon, which they won. It was a tough game and he played really well. It is still very warm here.....and really warm to be running around a soccer wiped him out. Nice eve with him though - he is always lovely to hang out with :-)

The rest of the day just went to Im not sure what.....a walk/jog thing with Diesel. Stuff at home, D, and reading some on the balcony. I dont know how I am going to manage when things get busy again......Im a little worried :-)

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