
By Hamey

It's arrived!

And I hope that it will be useful. Not unpacked yet but it's unlikely to have been damaged in transit. Superb service as I only ordered yesterday at about 1.00pm and was told it would be derived today which of course it was! It will if I get my a**e in gear be used tomorrow! Any guesses as what it is is?? No prizes though.....

Today I got the new door treated and of course this meant leaving the little house open all day whilst the weatherproofing treatment dried. Only another 2 coats to go! Then it was onto fitting door stop - not as easy as usual as each side strip had to be cut around the braces on the new oak doors that I have lashed out on.

Tomorrow I hope to get another coat on the door, another set of door stops and some plaster repairs. I should be going to the clay shooting ground but have had to cancel as until I have the place let I have virtually no income and must concentrate on getting it ready rather than going off and having a good time!!!

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