
By Technophobe

Ring Them Bells

We went to Worcester Cathedral today to hear a concert by the King' s singers which was part of The Three Choirs Festival, which is held in turn in the cathedral cities of Worcester, Hereford and Gloucester. We spoke to a Kiwi lady who had come over specially and had been to twenty two concerts so far! She said she comes every third year when it is held in Worcester, and then spends the next two years saving up for next time! She was a music teacher I think, and one of her protégées was singing today.

These bells, some of which date from 1374 or thereabouts, were removed from the Bell Tower when the cathedral was restored in 1864. I suppose they wanted the whizzy new all singing all dancing latest models at the time. Anyway they were all sold off, or given to other churches etc, but eventually were given back when the recipients got fed up with them and could afford their own whizzy new ones.

A bit like an old chair we were given when we first got married........

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