Today is a new day...

By Quaver

It's all Glasgow-ing on!

Semi-Quaver and I headed into town to have a wander around the Merchant City which is full of stalls, music, food from all over the Commonwealth, lots going on!

We caught a wee bit of the Cycling Road Time Trials, wandered through the Irn Bru store (!) and then headed along the River, stopping off for coffee on the Renfrew Ferry, to the South Rotunda to see 'Tin Forest' by the National Theatre. It was quite bizarre but really good and worth seeing. Very strange!

Next we wandered along to Pacific Quay at the BBC where the deck chairs were out in front of the big screen and we saw synchronised abseilers on the roof of the science centre! There were loads of activities for children and stages with bands playing.

The Commonwealth Games experience has been fantastic so far and very much a family affair. Glasgow is still looking clean and tidy and fun!

The Volunteers are doing a fabulous job but must be quite tired as they are being worked pretty hard.

Our local railway station usually has about 5 people waiting when you catch the train outside rush hour.......these last few days there have been hundreds of people for every train! It's great!

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