Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


I took the little TMGs for a walk in the woods this afternoon. There was no path; it was pure bushwacking. Fortunately, the frozen ground made it easier and ensured that normally boggy surfaces would not be a problem. We had a fantastic time and it was a real adventure as we trekked around and discussed the things we saw. They were particularly enthralled with the fallen trees and exposed roots.

I particularly enjoyed the walk and was most enthralled with the gorgeous ice patterns like this one. These fine curving patterns always intrigue me. How do they get there and why? Like snowflakes, every ice pattern appears to be different and I enjoy studying all of them. I showed this to the little TMGs and managed to hold them back long enough to snap a few pictures. They were more intrigued with the crackling the ice made as they stepped on it! Oh well, at least I am guaranteed a one of a kind image.

A year ago: A blip from inside my moving car.

Post processing:
Tweaked brightness, contrast and saturation in DPP

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