When You Have a Lot of Rocks...

…make a rock garden!

OilMan and Dana planted this rock this morning after digging it up in the field and hauling it down thirty steps to our patio rock garden. Drought, the necessity to dig holes for plants with a jackhammer, moles, voles and extreme heat have caused us to adapt a new mantra…no new plants!! I'm not sure hauling giant rocks around is any easier, but at least they are impervious to all the other garden evils which tend to beset us. I attempted to forbid them from retrieving and planting a second rock, but my suggestion fell upon deaf ears. There's just no stopping the Dynamic Duo.

Watching the process was more than I could handle, or perhaps I should say that the visions of a hundred pound rock hurtling down the slope, through the window and into the living room were more than I could handle, so I went back to my ice plant removal chores up by the arbor. That didn't prevent me from hearing the following:

"I'll get over here so I can hold the rock in place"
"No…I've got it"
"Ozzie, get out of the way!"
(unintelligible grunts)
"Tilt it more, tilt it more"
"Oh s---! "
"It's ok, I've got it!"
"Ozzie, MOVE!"

In the meantime, I seem to be developing an allergy to ice plant. Or maybe it's just plants in general.

Looks like I need to stick to shopping….

I'm so glad to have earned your hearts and stars for my chaotic flower arrangement yesterday. Thank you all so much

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