Off Centre

By RachelCarter


Sometimes it's nice to do something simple.
This bean plant has left the pole and is heading off into outer space.

I snuck off too today.

I'm behind with everything: blipfoto entries, housework, washing, gardening, bookwork, the VAT return. I should have finished the VAT return today. I've been trying to do it for days but things that need sorting out keep rearing their ugly heads and taking up my time.
I started to feel a weird combination of panicky and exhausted by the afternoon today. I felt I was stalling but didn't know why.

So at 6pm I snuck outside and did some gardening. I knew it was probably going to rain, so I whizzed around my veg plot with my push lawnmower and my pruners and tidied up in between the beds so I could get to everything. Then I ran around tidying up, chucked the grass on the compost heap. Got all the tools in and dashed back in again. I washed my hands and went back to the computer. I was much more awake and speedy after that and got loads done before Richard came home at about 9.30. He's going to work Thursday evenings for the summer. So if I'm going to sneak off and do clandestine gardening of an evening, Thursday's the day of choice for that. It was dark when he got home so he had no idea I had an hour gardening when I was supposed to be working.

I don't expect he'll read this or pay much attention to my veg plot, so I expect I've got away with it!

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