By Yorkshirebred

On the dark side.

Even after 18 months I still haven't managed to work out a lot of the settings on this camera. Tonight, playing about with different effects I noticed the moon was up and was framed between the trees with one side clear and the "dark side" just visible. Tried different effects but couldn't get a successful result - tried framing between the trees but just ended up with blurred branches. Also couldn't get a decent vantage point where I could avoid power lines etc. Oh well - best of a bad bunch - motto, keep on trying!

Grandchildren M&F have been at stage school all week. Tomorrow night we have been invited to watch a production of "Little Mermaid" - hoping that it might provide some blip opportunities. Going to have to leave work early to get there - shock horror! Unheard of, especially on a Friday!!

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