Pushed...not quite too far.....

Again this parenting thing can be tricky. Pushed darling daughter out of her nice warm and cosy bed and out of her comfort zone today.
Felt really rotten about it , and worried sick for most of the day, but glad I did in the end.
I had booked her onto a defensive driving skills course. That in itself would not have been so bad but add in that it was about a 90 minute drive away, through peak hour city traffic, a full day of driving skills, followed by a 90 minute drive through more peak hour traffic to get home! She learned to drive in London so driving in Sydney, with a GPS to a place she was not at all familiar with......challenging. Did I happen to mention that driving is not at all something she enjoys either? In fact "strongly dislikes driving" may be an understatement. Kind of like a mouse is a "little bit smaller" than an elephant.
Oh, add to that she took Dad's brand new car which is about 3 weeks old!
In any case...she is safe and sound back home. Course completed and car 100% in one piece. Phew!

This is a lovely old jetty which deserves a second visit. It was a soft sunset, lacking in colour and drama and blowing an absolute gale with an icy wind....anyone would think it was winter!! Oh, hang on a bit....it is.
Anyway, this access was blocked by a nasty big gate last time I was there about 2 years ago. I was very pleased the ugly big gate is gone. The jetty does actually tilt from side to side to side like it appears ...not at all level. It also rocks and moves around so it was a bit tricky in the high wind playing with long exposures.

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