
By zedmclong

Eye-eye...back blip

Went out to see friends last night (Saturday) so didn't get back in time to upload my blip. I was actually hoping to blip something of the actual evening itself but, opportunities were scarce and alcohol was a-plenty!

So, I went for a photo showing the first outing of my new eye shadow...hmmm, I should remember though, that the camera picks up everything...including any signs of tiredness and age! Damn it's lens and curse it to Hades! If it wasn't for that pesky Macro function etc etc.

I also braved 'wet-look' leggings too...no photos taken of those though. I haven't worn leggings since way back when! Fortunately, our friends did not shield their eyes, complaining immediate blindness, nor did they run screaming from the room...so, I'll take it that they were a success then *phew*.

The beagle was there and in receipt of lots of cuddles...so, they were 'wet-look' furry leggings by the end of the evening!

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