
By Cygnus

A bee, not a buzzard

After my lethargic day yesterday, today has been most jolly!

I went out for coffee with L and P, two friends of long-standing who I don't get to see so much now that I am working full-time. These gals were part of the posse I rode with (!) when I was a full-time stay-at-home mum. What fun we had at the school gates! And various coffee shops in a 5-mile radius.

So it was really great to catch up with them today. When I got home the Ards Man said that there was a buzzard buzzing around, and sure enough, it came soaring into view just above the garden. I went in to get my camera and naturally enough, the buzzard (which had been performing aerial manoeuvers for the past 20 minutes or so) disappeared. This could have been something to do with the Ards Man's noisy hedge-trimming, though he insisted buzzards couldn't hear that far up. I remain to be convinced.

Anyhoo, I was out in the garden with my zoomiest lens (you can see I'm really au fait with photography terminology) so I caught some bee snaps instead.

I like them. It's not a buzzard, but it is buzzy.

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