Ronnie in High Care

Phew, what a day! We left home at 05:00 this morning and hung around in the Unitas Hospital in Centurion for almost 14 hours!

Ronnie had a double neck fusion done, was in the OR for about 3 hours and then we still had to wait about 45 minutes before they brought him ou to be taken to High Care! We were allowed in to see him 30 minutes later, after they 'connected' him up to all sorts of pipes and wires as seen in this picture!

My dear Charmaine child is wasted tonight, it was a very tough day for her as well, since Ronnie has a history of going into anafalactic shock when anaesthetized, it was só hard for him when he had a lower back fusion in 1992, his heart stopped twice on the operating table and once in his hospital bed later the same night and serious procedures were followed to save his life! But this time around the doctors were informed of the tendency and a physician was on standby and lots of other measures were taken, and he had none of those problems! Thank God for that!

It is really very painful and he is still very confused, but he is in good hands and we are feeling the tremendous support of friends and loved ones!

Charmaine and I are sleeping over at Anrie, Ronnie and Hendrik's tonight, we are só pooped and relieved that all went well, but I don't know if we will be able to sleep too well, we are actually so overwhelmed!

'One Year Ago' - Cichlids

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