A Space Vixen

This lady is a performer in a Fringe show called "Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens", that promises to be the Rocky Horror Show for the milennium! A musical.

It was a difficult decicision between this Space Vixen and Saucy Jack because I liked the photos I took of them both, and then I was not sure whether to post it in colour or mono. In the end I decided to show you the colours of the Space Vixen.

First day of the Fringe Festival and there was the usual festival chaos and mayhem on the Royal Mile. The atmosphere is great but, if you are in a hurry, I would advice you to take an alternative route, when possible, because the tourists won't move for you!

Today I walked all the way to work for the first time since I had my injury. It felt good. I was missing my walk to work. But I left home with plenty of time, as I cannot do any running yet.

Work was busy and it will be for the rest of the festival. I'll be working this weekend and I'm not looking forward to it...

Not planning to do anything this evening as I'm feeling rather tired and I haven't decided yet which shows I want to go and see. Indecisive me!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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