Watering time!

It's Friday so, bedlam....all the grand children here today and it seemed quite a crowd!
They are nice together fortunately so, it was a lovely day....shattered now though!
Blip shows Miss I helping to water some pot plants...amazing how all children seem to love watering cans and water play...clothes line is also full of wet outfits!
Hardest to mind by far is Miss I's little sister, Miss T...17 months old and into absolutely everything, cooker, washer, dishwasher and tumble drier knobs all well "twiddled" so who knows what programmes will come up during their next use.
Actually easy to put it all back to "normal" assuming you notice!
Fortunately she still has a nice long nap so you do get a little respite....she really is delightful though!
A long day but fun day...where is the corkscrew?

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